Fatma Öztürk

HKC 302
+90 212 359 7011
Interest Areas: 

Atmospheric Chemistry

Aerosol Chemistry

Indoor and Ambient Air Quality Monitoring

Impacts of Air Quality on Health

Air Quality and Climate Interactions


Ph.D., Department of Environmental Engineering, Middle East Technical University (METU), TR, 2009

B.Sc., Department of Environmental Engineering, Middle East Technical University (METU), TR, 2001

Academic Career: 

Professor, Institute of Environmental Sciences, Boğaziçi University, TR, 2024-

Professor, Department of Environmental Engineering, Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University, TR, 2023-2024

Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Engineering, Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University, TR, 2018-2023

Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Engineering, Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University, TR, 2009-2018

Research Associate, Earth Science Research Laboratory, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), USA, 2010-2012

Teaching Assistant, Department of Environmental Engineering, Middle East Technical University (METU), TR, 2002-2009

Research Assistant, Department of Chemistry, University of Maryland, USA, 2006-2007

Recent Projects: 
  1. Determination of Sources and Source Regions of Atmospheric Pollutants Affecting Arctic Ocean (Funded By: The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK), 2022-2024, Project Duration: 24 months, Project Budget: 198,000 TL, PI)
  2. Determination of Levels and Species of Bioaerosols in Bolu Atmosphere and Investigation of Thier Correlations with the PM Chemical Composition in terms of Public Health (Funded By: The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK), 2020-2022, Project Duration: 36 months, Project Budget: 883,800 TL, PI)
Selected Publications: 
  1. Öztürk, F., Bahreini, R., Wagner, N., Dubé, W., Young, C., Brown, S.S., Brock, C, Ulbrich, I.M., Jimenez, J.L., Cooper, O.R., Middlebrook, A.M., 2013. Vertically Resolved Chemical Characteristics and Sources of Sub-micron Aerosols in a Suburban Area near Denver, Colorado, in winter, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere 118(24), 13,591–13,605
  2. Öztürk F, Keles M, Evrendilek F., 2016. Quantifying rates and drivers of change in long-term sector- and country-specific trends of carbon dioxide-equivalent greenhouse gas emissions, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (RSER) 65, 823-831
  3. Cetin, B., Öztürk, F., Keles, M., Yurdakul, S., 2017. PAHs and PCBs in an Eastern Mediterranean Megacity, Istanbul: Their Spatial and Temporal Distributions, Air-Soil Exchange and Toxicological Effects, Environmental Pollution 220, 1322-1332
  4. Thera, B.T.P., Dominutti, P., Öztürk, F., Salameh, T., Sauvage, S., Afif, C., Cetin, B., Gaimoz, C., Keleş, M., Evan, S., Borbon, A., 2019. Composition and variability of gaseous organic pollution in the port megacity of Istanbul: source attribution, emission ratios and inventory evaluation, accepted and online in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP) , 19(23), 15131-15156
  5. Lang-Yona, N., Öztürk, F., Gat, D., Aktürk, M., Zarmpas, P., Tsagkaraki, M., Michalopoulos, N., Birgul, A., Kurt-Karakuş, P.B., Rudich, Y., 2020. Links between airborne microbiome, meteorology, and chemical composition in northwestern Turkey, Science of the Total Environment 725, 138227
  6. Fakhri, N., Fadel, M., Öztürk, F., Keleş, M., Pikridas, M.M., Abdallah, C., Karam, C., Sciare, J., Haves, P.L., Afif, C., 2022. Comprehensive chemical characterization of PM2.5 in the large East Mediterranean-Middle East city of Beirut, Lebanon. Journal of Environmental Science 133, 118-137
  7. Naseri M., Sultanbekovna A.A., Malekipirbazari M., Kenzhegaliyeva E., Buonanno G., Stabile L., Hopke P.K., Cassee F., Crape B., Sabanov S., Zhumambayeva S., Ozturk F., Tadi M.J., Torkmahalleh M.A., Shah D., Human exposure to aerosol from indoor gas stove cooking and the resulting cardiovascular system responses, 2024. Toxicology Reports 13, 101716, doi: 10.1016/j.toxrep.2024.101716