IESc Seminar Series: “Polymeric foams: from preparation to degradation” By Dr Özgün Can Önder

Çarşamba, 17 Temmuz, 2024

Institute of Environmental Sciences Seminar Series

“Polymeric foams: from preparation to degradation”

By Dr. Özgün Can Önder


We cordially invite you to our seminar “Polymeric foams: from preparation to degradation”, to be held by Dr Özgün Can Önder.

When: 17 July 2024, Wednesday, 14:00-15:30

Where: Institute of Environmental Sciences Seminar Room (Hisar Campus E-Block)


Polymeric foams are versatile materials renowned for their lightweight and resilient properties, crafted through the incorporation of pores within a polymer matrix. These foams find extensive use in various applications ranging from construction and insulation to biomedical and environmental remediation. In this presentation, we will explore various methods for preparing bio-based polymeric foams and delve into strategies for their recycling

Short bio:

A person in a white shirt</p>
<p>Description automatically generatedOzgun Can Onder studied Chemistry and Molecular Biology at Bogazici University and trained as a synthetic chemist. He obtained his PhD in Materials Science and Engineering from Koc University in 2018. Between 2018 and 2022, Ozgun worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Slovenian National Institute of Chemistry and Eindhoven University of Technology. Subsequently, he joined Sisecam as a senior researcher.