
IESc Seminar Series: “Red, not green. ‘Turkish salmon’ - outside the global salmon commodity chain?” By Prof Ståle Knudsen

Institute of Environmental Sciences Seminar Series

“Red, not green. ‘Turkish salmon’ - outside the global salmon commodity chain?”

By Prof Ståle Knudsen

University of Bergen, Norway

We cordially invite you to our seminar “Red, not green. ‘Turkish salmon’ - outside the global salmon commodity chain” by Prof Ståle Knudsen, University of Bergen, Norway.

When: 20 November 2023, Monday, 14:00-15:30

IESc Seminar Series: Particulate Matter Air Pollution in Central Asia: A Case Study of Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan - By Prof. Jay Turner

Institute of Environmental Sciences Seminar Series

“Particulate Matter Air Pollution in Central Asia: A Case Study of Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan”

By Prof. Jay Turner

Washington University in St. Louis

We cordially invite you to our seminar “Particulate Matter Air Pollution in Central Asia: A Case Study of Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan” by By Prof. Jay Turner, Washington University in St. Louis

When: 19 October, Thursday, 11:00-12:00

IESc Seminar Series: The Battle Against Indoor Pollutants: Strategies and Innovations in Air Pollution Remediation - By Dr. Mahshab Sheraz

Institute of Environmental Sciences Seminar Series

“The Battle Against Indoor Pollutants: Strategies and Innovations in Air Pollution Remediation”

By Dr. Mahshab Sheraz

Republic of Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH)

We cordially invite you to our seminar “The Battle Against Indoor Pollutants: Strategies and Innovations in Air Pollution Remediation” by Dr. Mahshab Sheraz, Republic of Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH)

IESc Seminar Series: Post-combustion CO2 capture with membrane gas absorption technology- By Dr. Aytaç Perihan Akan

Institute of Environmental Sciences Seminar Series

“Post-combustion CO2 capture with membrane gas absorption technology”

By Dr. Aytaç Perihan Akan

Hacettepe University

We cordially invite you to our seminar “Post-combustion CO2 capture with membrane gas absorption technology” by Dr. Aytaç Perihan Akan, Hacettepe University.

When: 22 May, Monday, 14:00-15:00

IESc Seminar Series: Chemical and Microbiological Characterization of Aerosols in Northwestern Turkey: Sources and Public Health Implications - by Dr. Fatma Öztürk

Institute of Environmental Sciences Seminar Series

Chemical and Microbiological Characterization of Aerosols in Northwestern Turkey: Sources and Public Health Implications

By Assoc. Prof. Fatma Öztürk

Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University
