- English
- Türkçe
İrem Daloğlu Çetinkaya
+90 212 359 4602
Interest Areas:
Modeling social ecological systems
Impacts of climate change on freshwater systems
Impacts of human activities on sustainability of natural resources
Ph.D., Resource Ecology and Management University of Michigan, USA, 2013
M.S., Engineering Management, Northeastern University, USA, 2008
B.S. Geological Engineering Middle East Technical University, TR, 2005
Academic Career:
Instructor, Institute of Environmental Sciences, Bogazici University, Istanbul, 2015- Present
Part-time Instructor, Institute of Environmental Sciences, Bogazici University, Istanbul, 2014-2015
Research Fellow, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor , 2013-2014
Research Assisstant, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 2008-2013
Recent Projects:
- “Sustainable water storage and distribution in the Mediterranean: OurMED”, Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Region (PRIMA), 4,092,637 Euro [Award ID: 2222; June 2023 – June 2026]. (https://www.ourmed.eu/)
- Local climate narratives in Turkey toward effective local climate actions”, The Centre for Applied Turkey Studies (CATS) Network Funding (February 2022 - December 2022, 32,500 EUR (https://www.cats-network.eu/projects/ongoing-projects/localnet-local-governments-climate-change-narratives-and-networks-in-turkey)
- “Innovative and Sustainable Groundwater Management in the Mediterranean: InTheMED”, Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Region (PRIMA), 1,589,000 Euro [Award ID: 58000300; April 2020 – April 2023]. (https://inthemedprima.com/)
- “COBENEFITS: Assessment of improvements in air quality related to an increase in the share of renewable energy in Turkey’s electricity mix”, Institute of Advanced Sustainability Studies, Potsdam, Germany, 26,900 Euro [Award ID: 18-96; October 2018 – April 2019].
- Bogazici University, Scientific Research Projects Fund (BAP): “Vulnerability of Istanbul’s water supplies due to changes in climate and urban dynamics”, 2017-2018.
Selected Publications:
- Pala, Ö.N., Daloğlu Çetinkaya, I. Yazar, M. (2024). Urban Flood Exposure and Vulnerability: Insights from Pendik District of Istanbul. Journal of Flood Risk Management.
- Yazar M., Baykal Fide E., Daloglu Cetinkaya I. (2023) The nested hierarchy of urban vulnerability within land use policies fails to address climate injustices in Turkey. Journal of Environmental Policy&Planning. https://doi.org/10.1080/1523908X.2023.2279059
- Yazar M., Daloglu Cetinkaya I., Baykal Fide E. & Haarstad H. (2023). Diffusion of global climate policy: national depoliticization local repoliticization in Turkey. Global Environmental Change. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2023.102699
- Yazar M., Daloğlu Çetinkaya I., Iban M. C. & Bilgilioglu S. S. (2023). The green divide and heat exposure: urban transformation projects in Istanbul. Frontiers in Environmental Science.https://doi.org/10.3389/fenvs.2023.1265332
- Daloğlu Cetinkaya, I., Yazar, M., Kılınç, S., Güven, B. (2022). Urban Climate Resilience and Water Insecurity in Cities: Evidence from Future Scenarios on Water Supply and Demand in Istanbul. Urban Water Journal. 10.1080/1573062X.2022.2066548
- Marangoz, D., Daloğlu, I. (2022). Development of a water security index incorporating future challenges. In W.L. Filho and E.Manolas (Ed). World Sustainability Series: Climate Change in the Mediterranean and Middle East Region. SpringerLink.
- Marangoz, D., Daloğlu, I. (2022). Development of a water security index incorporating future challenges. In W.L. Filho and E.Manolas (Ed). World Sustainability Series: Climate Change in the Mediterranean and Middle East Region. SpringerLink.
- Daloğlu, I., Nassauer, J.I., Riolo, R., Scavia, D. 2014. An integrated social and ecological modeling framework – Impacts of agricultural conservation practices on water quality, Ecology and Society 19(3): 12.
- Daloğlu, I., Cho, K.H., Scavia, D. 2012. Evaluating causes of trends in long-term dissolved reactive phosphorus to Lake Erie. Environmental Science and Technology. DOI: 10.1021/es302315d