Ceyda Senem Uyguner Demirel
Water disinfection
Water quality
Photocatalytic oxidation
Characterization of natural organic matter in water
Ph. D., Institute of Environmental Sciences, Boğaziçi University, TR, 2005
M.S., Institute of Environmental Sciences, Boğaziçi University, TR, 1999
B.S., Chemistry Department, Boğaziçi University, TT, 1997
Instructor, Institute of Environmental Sciences, Bogazici University, Istanbul, 2007-Present
Research assistant, Institute of Environmental Sciences, Bogazici University, Istanbul 1998-2007
Researcher, University of Salerno, Department of Civil Engineering, Sanitary Environmental Engineering Division, Fisciano (SA), 2007-2007
Researcher, University of Fisciano, Department of Civil Engineering, Sanitary Environmental Engineering Division, Fisciano (SA), Italy, 2006-2006
Researcher, Environmental Chemistry and Technology Programme, Water Chemistry Department, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, 2005-2005
Visiting researcher, Department of Analytical Chemistry, University of Kansas-Lawrence, 2002-2002
1. “Influence of molecular size fractions of natural organic matter on the aggregation/agglomeration behaviour of nanoparticles”, Boğaziçi University Research Fund, 2021 – 2022, Project Coordinator
2. “Influence of bio-organocolloids on aggregation behavior of engineered nanoparticles during light initiated reactions in the environment”, Boğaziçi University Research Fund, 2018-2021, Researcher.
3. “Effect of aggregation and agglomeration during oxidative treatment of organic matter by photocatalysis”, Boğaziçi University Research Fund, 2018-2019, Project Coordinator.
4. “Water-Sustainable Point-Of-Use Treatment Technologies (WATERSPOUTT) Development of water supply and sanitation technology, systems and tools, and/or methodologies”, H2020-Water 2015, Research and Innovation actions (RIA), 2016 – 2020, Researcher.
5. “Surrogate parameters to control emerging contaminants in water treated by advanced oxidation processes”. Bilateral Cooperation Programme, Joint Research Project between TÜBİTAK and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy, 2012-2015, Project Coordinator.
1. Uyguner-Demirel, C.S., Birben, N.C., Bekbolet, M., (2017). Elucidation of background organic matter matrix effect on photocatalytic treatment of contaminants using TiO2: A review. Catalysis Today, 284, 202-214.
2. Uyguner-Demirel, C.S., Bekbolet, M., Birben, N.C., (2018). A comprehensive review on the use of second generation TiO2 photocatalysts: Microorganism inactivation. Chemosphere, 201, 420-448.
3. Birben, N.C., Lale, E., Uyguner-Demirel, C.S., Bekbolet, M. (2021). Elucidation of in-situ produced organic matrix effect on the solar photo/photocatalytic inactivation of E. coli, Catalysis Today, 380, 53-61.
4. Birben, N.C., Lale, E., Pelosato, R., Uyguner-Demirel, C.S., Sora I.N., Bekbolet, M., (2021). Photocatalytic Bactericidal Performance of LaFeO3 under Solar Light: Kinetics, Spectroscopic and Mechanistic Evaluation. Water, 13(4), 1135.
5. Uyguner-Demirel, C.S., Turkten, N., Kaya, D., and Bekbolet, M., (2022). Effect of oxidative and non-oxidative conditions on molecular size fractionation of humic acids: TiO2 and Cu-doped TiO2 photocatalysis. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-20